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HomeHerstellerHelikon tex accuracy shooting bag cube coyote coyote

Accuracy Shooting Bag Cube


  • Helikon-Tex Accuracy Shooting Bag Cube coyote
  • Helikon-Tex Accuracy Shooting Bag Cube coyote
  • Helikon-Tex Accuracy Shooting Bag Cube coyote
  • Helikon-Tex Accuracy Shooting Bag Cube coyote
  • Artikelbeschreibung
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  • Der Helikon-Tex Accuracy Shooting Bag Cube ist eine kleine Gewehrauflage in Würfelform, welche sich zum Einschießen der Waffe, Wettkampf oder für das taktische Schießen eignet.
    Die Tasche kann individuell mit Füllmaterial (Sand, Reis, …) gefüllt werden.


    • Würfelform
    • Riemen für Kompression und Waffenbefestigung
    • Befestigungs-/ Aufhängeschlaufe
    • YKK®-Reißverschluss

    Hinweis: Kein Füllmaterial enthalten.


    • Abmessungen: 19 x 16 x 7 cm
    • Gewicht: 102 g


    100% Nylon (Cordura® 500D)

  • Bestellnr.VariationAttributPreisVerfügbarkeit
    83176--18,99 €*7 Stück auf Lager
  • As a military surplus-retailer company, Helikon-Tex was established in Poland in 1983 and kept its direction, maturing as a company and gathering experience for over a decade.In the late 90', when the growing mismatch between current military gear solutions and the new challenges awaiting a modern-day soldier became obvious, Grzegorz Mieszczak, the owner of the company, decided to develop up-to-date military and paramilitary lines of clothing and gear.1999 was a milestone in the formation of Helikon-Tex as a producer and a brand itself. Building our own Research&Development department, based on true professionals in their field, we started to design modern and specialized solutions for advanced practitioners and hobbyists in the military, shooting sports and outdoor activities.